Joe Biden Wants to Force Every Employer in America to Fund Abortions

Joe Biden wants every American employer to be forced to fund abortions. The Biden administration tried to force small businesses and companies into funding abortions last month.

The proposed regulations announced by the Biden Administration on Monday to implement the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act have been criticized by pro-life activists. The U.S. The U.S.

Pregnant Workers Fairness Act: Every employer in America must “reasonably” accommodate a pregnant worker’s pregnancy, childbirth or other medical conditions.

Biden now proposes that “related medical conditions”, including “termination, via any means” of pregnancy, include “termination”. . . abortion.”

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The mandate would force employers with over 15 employees to make “reasonable accommodation” for the abortions of their employees, even if it violates their religious or pro-life beliefs.

What’s being proposed?

How can Washington bureaucrats turn a law designed to prevent abortions into a tool that encourages them? How? When the abortion-friendly Biden administration writes the regulations. This is a possible outcome for the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act.

This law was passed as an addition to the omnibus spending bill of last year, giving pregnant women rights that are common sense in the workplace. The PWFA is similar to the Americans with Disabilities Act in that it requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations to their pregnant workers, as long as these accommodations don’t create undue burdens on the business.

The law gives pregnant workers the option to take more frequent breaks at work or bring water with them. This measure appears to be a pro-family, commonsense measure that can be supported by both sides. It will make it easier for pregnant women and discourage others from considering abortion. The Biden administration intervened and changed the situation.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recently published proposed rules implementing PWFA. It included abortion as “related medical conditions”. If the PWFA is finalized, and abortion becomes a covered condition under the act, employers will be required to provide their employees with leave in order to get an abortion or to receive abortion-related services.

Biden is not only pushing abortion on America but he also wants to force the pro-life Christians to adopt his pro-abortion mantra.

This “abortion holiday” mandate may also apply to religious entities and organizations. During the PWFA’s consideration in Congress, Sen. James Lankford (R-Oklahoma) offered an amendment of one paragraph that would have excluded religious organizations from any PWFA provisions that violated their faith. The amendment was rejected by 53 senators, despite its common sense. The EEOC has now put the religious freedom of countless churches, religious groups and individuals in danger with its proposed rule.

Julie Marie Blake, Senior Counsel at Alliance Defending Freedom, opposes this rule and urges Americans contact Congress to oppose.

She said that Congress wanted to assist pregnant workers and not force employers into facilitating abortions. The Biden administration is using a law that does not even mention abortion as a way to force employers to make’reasonable accommodation’ for workers who elect to have abortions.

Blake said: “The Administration’s unlawful proposal is in violation of state laws protecting unborn children and employers’ religious and pro-life beliefs. The administration does not have the legal authority necessary to sneak an abortion mandate in a pro-life and pro-woman transformational law. Alliance Defending Freedom is ready to continue defending the unborn and to oppose such a federal overreach.

There is a 60-day window for Americans who are pro-life or religious to make public comments opposing this radical pro-abortion regulation.