Squad member leads Democrats calling on Biden to ‘use your authority’ to cancel student debt

Nearly 90 Democratic Members of Congress, including Rep. Ayanna pressley (DMA) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren(DMA), are urging President Joe Biden “to use your authority” in order to cancel student loans for millions of Americans.
On Wednesday night, the Democrats wrote to Biden acknowledging that “the Supreme Court has chosen to stand in opposition” of the original student forgiveness plan which was introduced by the President on Thursday a year ago. The Democrats, however, argued that Biden can use “additional” tools as president to reduce student loan debt.
Working and middle-class families need relief as soon as possible. The Democrats wrote: “We urge you to continue to find ways to use the authority that you have to reduce student debt and address the rising costs of college. We also encourage you to make postsecondary educational opportunities affordable to all students who choose this path.”
On June 30, the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 to reject Biden’s plan. The plan would have cancelled up to $20,000 of federal student loans, totaling almost $400 billion. Democrats have criticized the conservative-majority high court for their decisions lately, arguing that right-wing politics influence the rulings.
The Democratic members wrote: “Borrowers already waited almost a year to receive the relief that you announced in August of 2022. And critics of your plans to help 43 millions Americans will likely renew their attacks regarding your rulemaking announcement.” We urge you to reject the bad-faith and partisan attempts of those who want to delay relief, and to carry out your efforts as quickly as possible to help borrowers.
The Democrats are calling for more student loan relief before Oct. 1, the date when the COVID-19 pandemic-related year-long suspension of payments is due to end.
This week, Biden announced the “Saving on a Valuable Education” or “SAVE” plan, a repayment plan based on income for borrowers. The website was launched on Tuesday. Republicans have criticized the SAVE plan for being a way to circumvent Supreme Court ruling.
Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority leader (D-NY), joined Pressley and Warren on Wednesday in the letter. He warned in a Tuesday statement that some people might try to stop the SAVE plan.
Schumer stated that “the administration has crossed all the legal t’s, and donet the legal i.’s.” The fight to eliminate student debt is not over yet, but this is an important step. This action by President Biden is worthy of praise and support.
In a Tuesday post on X, Warren stated that Republicans would try to repeal SAVE and she “will fight their effort every step of the way.”
Both the Senate and House Republicans have introduced legislation to deal with student loans in the weeks leading up to the Supreme Court’s ruling on Biden’s plan. However, it is not clear whether either measure will receive Democratic support.
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