‘Whiplash,’ ‘Ideological Hatred,’ ‘Genuine Hate’: Energy Industry Confronts Challenge of Producing when Biden Despises Them

The “genuine hatred” of the Biden administration for fossil fuel companies and traditional energy companies was the focus of a two day summit here in this week that featured top business and industry leaders, as well as political voices across the country.
Both candidates are Republicans: former United States ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, and North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum. Doug Burgum and Nikki Haley, who will both appear on the stage of the debate on Wednesday evening in Southern California, spoke here on Monday at the Hamm Institute for American Energy’s inaugural American Energy Security Summit. Harold Hamm is the billionaire founder of Continental Resources and its executive chairman. The summit was organized by Hamm and brought together business leaders and political leaders for a unique discussion about the future of American Energy Production.
Haley, when she spoke to the group, mentioned a visit she made earlier in the campaign where she met workers on an oil rig offshore and laid out her vision for energy. She elaborated on this here, saying that “every single drop of American energy is a blessing for American families,” and energy “makes all things more affordable.”
Haley said to the hundreds of people gathered in front of her on Monday that “common sense, unlike energy, is in short-supply these days.” Joe Biden is a president that seems to hate American energy. This week, we saw this fact in full force. Joe Biden has made nearly half of the nation’s petroleum reserves off-limits to oil exploration. Americans will pay more for this stupidity and get less energy. We will become more dependent on other countries. This has been the case for two years. There is more suffering at home, and less security overseas. Joe Biden’s energy decisions have led to this inevitable outcome. Under an avalanche mandates, he is crushing the producers. He has blocked safe drilling off our coastlines. He cancelled the Keystone Pipeline. “When the president speaks, he attacks companies like yours and insults the workers that I met.”
Haley said that energy was “the cornerstone” of the national power and “the guaranteed pathway to opportunity and prosperity for families”, as well as “the route to security in this dangerous time.”
Haley stated, “Joe Biden wants to see all cars electric by 2030. God bless him.” Think about it for a moment. First, 70% of the electric cars on the market are made in China. We don’t even have the infrastructure to support it. Not just charging stations. Electric vehicles are very heavy. By 2030, our roads and bridges will be unable to handle the electric vehicles.
Haley has been rising in polls ever since the first GOP Debate in Milwaukee last month and has surpassed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is ranked second behind former president Donald Trump in several surveys, including those in South Carolina, New Hampshire and other states, was the most prominent speaker at the event.
Burgum, who is from North Dakota, which has many energy companies and projects, stated during a morning panel that “we’ve got turn 180 degrees in the opposite direction” away from Biden’s policies. It’s got happen. If we work together, we can achieve it.
Burgum said later, when he returned to the stage for a panel discussion in the afternoon, “In America, today, if you say ‘pipeline,’ someone else will say ‘protest.’
Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said, at an afternoon panel, where former Secretary Elaine Chao interviewed a former Trump administration co-worker on stage, that there was a “pure ideological hatred” among left-wingers running the Biden Administration in America of the people in this room.
Pompeo stated that “the progressive left has a hatred for fossil fuels based on ideology.” “That’s a fair statement. They have a theory about climate change. You can see all the things they did to build capacity, from Keystone to withdrawing permits on federal land.
This event is taking place in the context of not only the GOP primary 2024 with the second presidential debate, where both Haley Burgum and Burgum are expected to appear, but also the general 2024 presidential elections, as well as the government funding deadline that will be reached later this week, ahead of any potential shutdown. Several lawmakers, including some from Oklahoma such as Sen. James Lankford and Rep. Stephanie Bice and others from other States like Rep. Jeff Duncan from South Carolina made the trip here on Sunday and Monday to attend this event before their respective chambers reconvened in order to continue funding battles that are currently ongoing. Biden became the first American President to walk the picket lines with United Auto Workers (UAW), strikers, in Michigan the day after the summit. Although the topic was not discussed during Biden’s visit to Michigan, Biden’s push for electric cars and away from gasoline and oil-powered automobiles powered by internal combustion engines, is clearly central to the strike. This comes just before Trump heads to Michigan to join the UAW strike on Wednesday. Biden decided to join the UAW picket lines only after Trump announced that he would be going.
There was no doubt that Trump was all-in on American energy. Stephen Moore, former Wall Street Journal writer and distinguished fellow at the Heritage Foundation, who spoke during a later presentation, said that Trump wanted to drill, drill, drill as much energy as possible.
Moore said that thanks to the policies of the Trump administration, by 2019, the United States would have surpassed both Saudi Arabia and Russia in terms of oil and gas production. Moore stated that it was “pretty amazing” to have become the world’s leading producer for the first-time. How many times have we mentioned OPEC during the three to four years that Trump was president?
Now that Biden is in the White House that has changed rapidly. Moore said the left’s ultimate goal is “net zero,” which he said the Biden administration was pushing the energy industry to achieve.
Moore added: “If you were looking for a way to ruin the American economy, there is no better thing than to eliminate our energy supply.”
The Incredible Fo
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