White House Claims ‘Urgency’ on Debt Deal…As Biden Prepares to Leave D.C.

As President Joe Biden prepares for his long Memorial Day Weekend getaway, which is a planned break from Washington, one might wonder how committed he really is to the debt ceiling talks that so far have been fruitless.

One reporter asked Karine Jean Pierre, Press Secretary at the White House, how Biden could claim that he was focused on avoiding a default with the Republican Congress while leaving the White House with no agreement on a plan just seven days prior to June 1, which is the predicted “x” date on which the U.S. defaults on its debt.

Jean-Pierre, on behalf of Biden, says: “There has always been an urgency.”

Jean-Pierre explained, to back up her “urgency” claims, that the White House “has called this out repeatedly how urgent it is for this to be done”. That is, it’s true if the White House tells you it is. Or something. Jean-Pierre isn’t being truthful and the listener must suspend their disbelief.

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Jean-Pierre continued by saying that the Biden administration “has been laying out again and again for months and months how catastrophic this could become if Congress did not do their job and deal the debt limit in a constitutionally required manner.”

Jean-Pierre, in an attempt to explain Biden’s role in the debt negotiations, made a muddled claim: “We are fighting for- uh- that- uh- that- you know, to continue to build- uh- a economy, from the middle up to the bottom.” He also did not have any specific role Biden played in the effort to avoid a default, as the talks drag on without a solution. This could be deliberate due to Biden’s apparent sabotage of the negotiations.

Jean-Pierre, who was at the White House Thursday to discuss the “urgency”, the President is showing in regards to the debt ceiling, concluded her tirade by saying “Congress must act.”

If Jean-Pierre continues to spin false choices and attempt to rewrite history, Townhall will continue to point out the obvious flaws in her narrative. Biden did not treat the debt issue with urgency. Biden, whether it was because White House officials didn’t think House Speaker Kevin McCarthy would be able pass a plan that would raise the debt ceiling and avoid default or another reason, showed zero urgency in refusing to talk or negotiate with McCarthy for over two months about a bill McCarthy would pass and Biden would sign to avert a default.

The same fact shows that Congress did its job before Biden began to do his in the matter of the debt limit, while Democrats in Senate refused to perform their duties. House Republicans are the only group that has taken any action in Washington to prevent a country from defaulting on its debt. But Jean-Pierre and White House do not want you to be aware of that.

The mainstream media, much to the White House’s dismay, and the American public are not taking her bait despite her efforts to change the narrative through partisan spin. According to a new Fox News Poll, more Americans would blame President Biden for a default than the Republican-controlled Congress.