‘Cheap Fakes’: White House Claims Videos of Joe Biden’s Public Malfunctions Are Fabricated

Karine Jean Pierre, White House Press Secretary, claimed that videos exposing President Joe Biden’s age, gaffes and recent awkwardness were “cheap fakes”. They had been published with “bad faith” according to Jean-Pierre.

During his first press conference after about three weeks, Jean-Pierre was asked by reporters if White House officials were “worried about Biden’s peculiar behavior” that “appears as a pattern.”

Questions were asked after a Sunday video showed that former President Barack Obama walked Biden off stage after the president seemed to freeze during a fundraising event. A video taken last week showed Biden looking off into the distance before the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Melons turned him back towards the group of world leader watching a skydiving display.

Jean-Pierre repeatedly avoided questions about Biden’s “fineness” by claiming that neither video was accurate.

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“Yeah. “Yeah. These are cheap videos. “They are done with bad faith”, Jean-Pierre said to reporters.

“Let’s remember that President Obama and President Biden have a relationship. They are friends. Jean-Pierre described one video as “like family”.

Jean-Pierre cites the video of Biden thanking troops. This is the reason they are attacking him, not only in Normandy where it happened but also in Italy.

Jean-Pierre criticised the media for only covering Biden’s appearances in public and not his legislative victories.

She claimed that “instead of talking about President Obama’s performance, which I define as his legislative victories and what he has been able do for Americans across the country,” we are seeing these deep-fakes, these manipulated video, and again, it’s done with this faith.

According to the annual physical performed by Kevin O’Connor, Biden suffers from peripheral neuropathy, atrial fibrillation and hyperlipidemia.

Health issues could explain his struggles to stay upright. Biden fell, stumbled, and tripped at least five time during his presidential tenure.

Hans Nichols, Alex Thompson and Axios reported in April that Biden had adopted a new strategy to “draw attention away” from his physical ailments by walking with several aides.

Biden began to board Air Force One using the smaller steps located at the back of the aircraft instead of the larger staircase in the front. Biden doesn’t wear dress shoes with his suits. He wears specially designed sports shoes that help him to walk. This is a common change of clothing for elderly people.

According to a recent poll, Americans doubt Biden’s leadership ability.

A recent Harvard/Harris poll found that about one-third (33%) of Democrats question Biden’s mental health.

A second poll found that 82 per cent of Americans are concerned about Biden’s mental and physical health.

Quinnipiac’s study found that only about a third of voters believe Biden to be physically or mentally capable of serving a second term.