Comer: Biden Deposition First, Then Hearing

James Comer of the House Oversight Committee, R-Ky. told Newsmax Tuesday night that an investigation into corruption in the Biden family will proceed like “everyother congressional investigation” — first depositions, then public hearings.
Comer appeared on “Eric Bolling The Balance”, to discuss the news that came out earlier in the day, that Hunter Biden, the son of the president, would appear before the committee only for a hearing public, and not as a deposition.
Comer said two things about it:
Hunter Biden’s deposition is recorded and made public. Hunter Biden, if he does not appear for his deposition scheduled on December 13, will be held in contempt by Congress.
Bolling told Comer, “I am glad that he is willing to testify in public.” As you know, in the course of congressional investigations into history, people are brought in and deposed first. The subpoena called for a deposition in a sitting. Hunter Biden is expected to appear on the 13th of December and answer any questions.
Comer, the man who had earlier accused Biden of “playing by his own rules,” has said that he can see through the grandstanding. Biden wants to hold a public hearing to allow Democrats to rush to his defence in an effort to drown out hundreds of questions.
Comer explained that each side has 20 members who each have five minutes. Comer said, “We have tens and thousands of pages where we can sit down and ask substantive questions without filibustering or interruption. We don’t need to go back and forth for five minutes with Jamie Raskin, Dan Goldman, and Jared Moskowitz, [Democrat Reps.] jumping up and running, filing motions and disrupting the committee hearings.
Hunter Biden will be deposed in a thorough and substantive manner. We’ll then have a public hearing, just as we did in every previous congressional investigation.
Comer also said that Biden’s testimony will be publicized — through transcripts and videos.
Comer stated that “the subpoena requires Hunter Biden come in for deposition. We expect to see a transcript of the deposition.” This deposition will therefore be filmed. It will be public testimony, but it won’t be in a chaotic setting where the Democrats have shown they cannot conduct themselves in an adult, credible way during the hearing.
The public hearing everyone wants will be held.
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