Conservative Group Files Lawsuit Against FDA For Allowing Abortion Pills To Hit Shelves

After a FDA approved the sale of a dangerous abortion pill, pro-life advocates sued the FDA.

Four national medical associations and four doctors claim that the FDA illegally approved a drug knowing that it could harm women.

The Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative organization filed a Texas lawsuit claiming that the FDA was not authorized to approve the dangerous drug mifepristone. They also claim that the FDA failed to adequately review the drug and that it is unsafe.

The lawsuit states that “The FDA failed America’s women and girls by choosing politics over science and approving chemical abortion drugs for use here in the United States.”

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According to the group, the FDA must have deemed pregnancy an “illness” and abortion a “meaningful therapeutic advantage” to approve them so quickly.

“Pregnancy does not cause illness. Chemical abortion drugs do not provide any therapeutic benefit. They end the life of a baby and pose serious and life-threatening complications for the mother,” Julie Marie Blake, Senior Counsel at ADF, stated in a statement.

The FDA declared that the pill could be used during pregnancy for 10 weeks and permitted its shipment by mail to states where it was allowed.

Nine Democratic senators called on Friday for the FDA to quickly complete the litigation while it is pending. This would allow the FDA to permanently allow mail-order delivery, and make other changes to facilitate the access to abortion medication.