Special counsel in Hunter Biden case to testify before lawmakers in ‘unprecedented step’

The special prosecutor in charge of the Hunter Biden probe is scheduled to appear before Congress on Tuesday. This will be the first time that a special investigator has appeared before Congress during an investigation. The House Republicans want to intensify their impeachment investigation into the president and family following weeks of deadlock.

David Weiss will appear before the House Judiciary Committee to give a transcript of an interview. The U.S. Attorney is battling Republican accusations that he didn’t have the full authority in the long-running case against the son of the president.

“Mr. Weiss will take the unprecedented step of testifying prior to the conclusion of his investigations to demonstrate that he has and continues to possess full authority to conduct his investigation, and to bring charges to any jurisdiction, Wyn Hornbuckle said in a Monday statement.

The Justice Department’s rare decision to allow any federal prosecutor or special counsel to be questioned before the end of an investigation shows how seriously it takes accusations of interference.

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Weiss’ appearance follows months of negotiations between Republicans in the Judiciary Committee, and the Justice Department. During this time, lawmakers subpoenaed a number of investigators and lawyers involved in the Hunter Biden Case.

Weiss agreed to come to Capitol Hill in July to correct what he, and the Department, saw as a misrepresentation. However, he would only do so if he had the opportunity to testify at a public hearing, where he could respond directly to Republican claims of wrongdoing.

Both parties agreed to a closed door interview of both Democratic and Republican staff and members.

Interviews on Tuesday are expected to be centered around testimony of an Internal Revenue Service agent, who claims that the investigation into President’s Son was mismanaged and “slow-walked”, under Weiss. Weiss denied in writing one of the most explosive allegations, stating that he was the final decision maker on the case.

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The IRS whistleblower who publicly testified over the summer insists that his testimony is a reflection of a pattern and treatment preference in the Hunter Biden Case and not simply disagreements with their superiors on what investigation steps to take.

The GOP’s impeachment investigation into the president has been centered around questions about Hunter Biden’s business dealings in general. Jim Jordan, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, is expected to play a major role in Tuesday’s questioning.

Weiss is unable to give specifics about his investigation to Congress due to Justice Department policies and laws.

Open investigations are generally kept secret to protect witnesses, evidence and to avoid giving the defense attorneys ammunition to challenge their findings.

Defense attorneys in the Hunter Biden matter have indicated that they intend to challenge the gun charge he faces on multiple legal fronts, and suggest that prosecutors gave into political pressure when filing these charges.