Catholic Book Store Files Religious Freedom Lawsuit Against Woke Jacksonville Law

Alliance Defending Freedom lawyers filed a federal suit Wednesday against a Jacksonville Catholic bookstore. The city law requires Queen of Angels Catholic Bookstore, to denounce its beliefs and to keep its religious views quiet in order to continue to be in business. Queen of Angels is an independent Catholic bookstore serving the Jacksonville community. It sells books, crucifixes and other Catholic resources.

The Queen of Angels Catholic Bookstore sells books and crucifixes as well as other Catholic resources.

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is the representative of the bookstore. A statement said that Queen of Angels, Christie DeTrude, and the owner of the store, “work to honor God” and promote Catholic beliefs through the store’s website, YouTube channel, and other media. All customers are welcome and the bookstore sells their products. However, DeTrude and her staff can’t speak out against their faith.

In 2017, the city adopted a Human Rights Ordinance that included sexual orientation and gender identity.


The statement said that they believe men and women are distinct and can’t use pronouns and titles that don’t correspond with customers’ sex. DeTrude wants to share this policy with her customers and the store’s website. Jacksonville’s Human Rights Ordinance prohibits communication that could make someone feel ‘unwelcome’ due to protected traits. Queen of Angels could face unlimited fines or damages if they don’t comply with the law.

Protest was brought against the lawsuit, which was filed on Ash Wednesday.

“Free speech is for all. Rachel Csutoros, ADF Legal Counsel, stated that Americans should have the freedom to express their beliefs without fear of being punished by the government. “Christie, Queen of Angels Catholic Bookstore owner, is happy to serve everyone but cannot speak against her religious beliefs. Jacksonville is illegally requiring Queen of Angels to abandon its religious beliefs, which is the very faith that drives the store to be open to customers every day.

According to the 52-page lawsuit, “in effect, this law requires that this Catholic bookstore cease being fully Catholic.”

Hal Frampton, ADF Senior Counsel, stated that “Christie opened Queen of Angels to serve Jacksonville and to share her Catholic beliefs. But city officials threaten her to pay unlimited fines if this happens.” “This case is just one example of how government officials use radical ideology to cancel people who don’t agree with them. Not only is it against the First Amendment, but it can also have devastating consequences for freedom of speech, working professionals, women and children.