GOP Calls to Invoke 25th Amendment After Special Counsel Casts Doubt on Biden’s Mental Acuity: ‘This Man Has the Nuclear Codes’

In response to the Special Counsel Robert Hur report, which revealed shocking revelations about the decline of President Joe Biden’s mental health, Republican officials have called for the 25th Amendment. The Republican officials claim that now is the time for the 25th Amendment. They also insist that the president, if he “is not capable of standing trial, he certainly is not qualified to lead the free World.”

The report of Special Counsel Hur, while pointing out that America’s oldest president ever “willfully mishandled” classified documents, also details Biden’s cognitive decline – which is perhaps even more damaging politically than his handling classified materials.

The report released on Thursday concludes that prosecution of Biden is unlikely because it would be difficult to prove willful intent beyond reasonable doubt, and due to his public image.

Republicans are responding by urging cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment, which deals with presidential succession and disabilities procedures, or face being impeached. They also question how Democrats can say in good conscience that he’s mentally competent to remain Commander-in Chief.


Mary Miller, a Republican congresswoman from Illinois, declared: “For the safety and security of our country, Joe Biden has to resign.” He could not recall basic facts about himself. He is not qualified to continue as Commander-in Chief & every single day he stays, he puts America in danger.”

She added, “If he doesn’t resign the Cabinet will have to invoke the 25th Amendment.”

Mike Lee, R-UT, asked: “If there was ever a time when the 25th Amendment could be invoked, isn’t it now?”

Rep. Marjory Greene (RGA) wrote: “The Special Counsel report, which reveals that Joe Biden is mentally declining to the point that he cannot stand trial, means that he is not fit for office.”

She added, “We must either demand the 25th Amendment be invoked or that impeachment is done.”

Mike Johnson, House Speaker (R) of Louisiana, in a statement issued with House Majority leader Steve Scalise (R), House Majority Whip Tom Emmer(R-MN), House GOP Conference chair Elise Stefanik(R-NY), called the findings of the report “deeply troubling,” adding that “a man who is incapable to be held accountable for mishandling confidential information is unfit for office.”

“Biden does not remember his time as Vice President? In another post, he asked: “But somehow he is qualified to be president for another four years?” This report describes Biden as an ‘elderly man with a good heart and a bad memory’.”

He asked, “Who will the first patriotic Democrat be in Congress who will state the obvious and – for the sake of the country – invoke the 25th Amendment?”

Mike Collins (RGA) argued that “never has there been a better time to support the 25th Amendment than now”.

Rep. Pat Fallon, R-TX, said that Joe Biden was not mentally capable of serving. “The Special Counsel Hur report should be of concern to everyone, even Democrats!”

Rep. Mike Waltz, R-FL asked: “Biden is an elderly man with a bad memory. But he can be commander in chief when the world is on fire?

Thomas Massie, R-KY, said: “The President is not well …,”

The DOJ has just acknowledged that the President of the United States was too senile for prosecution. “How is he managing the country?” asked Greg Steube, a Republican from Florida.

Ted Cruz, R-TX, declared that the situation was “truly amazing”. The US Department of Justice has formally laid out evidence that President Obama is not competent to stand trial.

“He can’t remember when he served as Vice President but this man has nuclear codes ….,”,” he said.

Andrew Clyde, a Republican from Georgia, argued that if Joe Biden was not competent enough to stand trial he would not be able to lead the world.

Lindsey Graham, R-SC, wrote: “The American people must consider the Special Counsel’s assessment on President Biden’s mental and physical condition this fall.”

Elise Stefanik, Chair of the House GOP Conference (R-NY), wrote: “Democrats may try to ignore this and sweep it under the carpet but the American people are so aware.” This is a truly sad state of affairs for America, with a president who is clearly unfit to hold office.

Jim Banks, a Republican from Indiana, asked: “How can Democrats and Biden in good conscience say that Joe is mentally capable of being President?” He added that “it is time for Joe to retire and for Trump to return to the White House.”

The report by Robert Hur today tells us that there is a double standard in justice. Joe Biden’s not fit to be in office, wrote Senator Jim Jordan (R – OH).

“It is clear that @JoeBiden has no mental capacity to be President, much less serve another four years,” wrote Sen. Marsha BLACKBURN (R-TN). He is doing himself and the American people a disservice.

Biden’s DOJ claims that he cannot stand trial because he is mentally incompetent. “How can he be competent enough to serve four more years as president?” asked Senator Eric Schmitt, R-MO.

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney, R-NY, urged President Biden “to resign immediately.”

Hur’s assessment that Biden had a “significantly restricted” memory was a factor in his decision to not prosecute.

The report says: “We also considered that Mr. Biden, at trial would likely present himself before a jury as a sympathetic and well-meaning elderly man with poor memory, just as he presented himself during our interview.” Based on our observations and direct interactions with him, many jurors are likely to want to find reasonable doubt in his case.

It would be hard to convince a juror that they should convict a former President, who was well into his 80s at the time, of a serious crime that requires a state of mind of willfulness.

Hur’s report contains many examples and assessments of Biden’s memory and mental faculties deteriorating. Biden’s ability to remember things also seemed to be severely limited.

The report states that he could not recall, “even in the last few years”, when his son Beau died, or when he served as vice president.

Concerns about the 81 year old president’s mental fitness and age in an election-year have increased. Questions about his cognitive acuity appeared in headlines when he confused a dead world leader twice the week before.

In a Yahoo News/YouGov survey released in May, 82 percent Americans expressed concern about Biden’s mental health.