‘Squad’ Rep. Rashida Tlaib rages at Fox Business reporter when confronted about ‘Death to America’ chants in district

Rashida Tlaib, a member of the “Squad”, blew up at a Fox Business Network journalist who had confronted her about “Death To America” chants heard in her Michigan district a week ago.

Tlaib, a Democrat from Michigan whose district includes Dearborn, the Detroit suburb with the highest per capita Muslim population in the US had remained silent on the viral video taken at an Al-Quds Day march April 5 during which participants chanted “Death To America” and “Death To Israel,” which caused national outrage as well as condemnation by the White House.

Hillary Vaughn, a FBN correspondent, asked Tlaib about the shocking incident.

The congresswoman repeated the statement several times.

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Tlaib, a 47-year-old Muslim, chided Vaughn after several back-and forths.

Vaughn asked again: “Why don’t you say whether you condemn those who say, ‘Death To America’?” Why are you afraid of talking to Fox?

Tlaib responded, “Fox News does not — Listen, Fox News uses racist tropes against my community, and I do not talk to Fox News.”

“Is the chant ‘Death To America’ racist?” Vaughn asked, “Is chanting Death to America racist?”

Tlaib was insistent as she entered an elevator. “I’m referring to your guys’ racist tropes,” Tlaib said. You guys are Islamaphobic and I’m sure you know what you do, but you have to deal with this on your own. You’re not going to use me.

Tlaib, a Palestinian-American woman, is the first Palestinian American to serve in Congress. She was also one of two Muslim women elected to the House of Representatives along with Rep. Ilhan (D-Minn.).

Michigan Democrat, who defended the phrase “From river to sea” which refers the land between Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea. The slogan, according to critics, is an appeal for the removal of Israel from the map as well as the massacre of its citizens.

In November, Tlaib was censured by the House in part for her support of this slogan and other statements.

Tlaib was one of the first to call for a ceasefire in the Israel/Hamas conflict and even supported the “uncommitted movement” in Michigan led by her sister in protest of President Biden (81), in the Democratic primary on February 27.

In a shocking rebuke to Biden, over 100,000 Democratic primary voters in the Mitten State marked themselves as “uncommitted”.

Tarek Baji, a local activist who organized the Dearborn event, railed against Israel’s “satanic acts” and “the United States Government providing funds which allow atrocities.”

The International Day of Al-Quds, a pro-Palestinian celebration, is held the last Friday of the Muslim holy Ramadan month.

The White House condemned the video in the strongest possible terms.

“As President Biden said, America is the most powerful nation on Earth. It’s a beacon for the rest of the world.”