Belgium to Allow Repeated Gender Changes

Our world is a chaotic place. Germany allows you to change your gender once per year by filling out an official form. Belgium will soon allow you to change your gender whenever you want.

The Belgian supreme court ruled previously that the requirement for people to identify themselves as male or female violated equality of those who don’t consider themselves to be exclusively one. A new law will be passed that allows for ongoing fluidity in gender identity. It can be submitted as a simple form. The Sudinfo story (Google Translation):

In a press release, the Minister of Justice Vincent Van Quickenborne announced that the principle of irrevocability and the procedure before family court were abolished. . . . This allows people to change their first and last names multiple times.

The family court procedure will be also abolished. You will still be able to modify the sex register or first name by contacting the registrar. This is the same process as the first change. . .

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“It is vital that transgender persons are protected and that they have the right to change their sex registration based upon their gender identity without any unnecessary or nitpicking procedures. The Constitutional Court rightly pointed out the inadequacy of the original law in this area. The minister stated that we now seek to rectify this situation by passing this bill so transgender people can be recognized for who and what they are.”

Evidently, even though “who they really are” is constantly changing.

This is civilization-destroying stuff. This is not because transgender issues are problematic per se. It is because they represent the triumph of subjective.

A society that is based on emotions over thoughts will be by definition unstable. Emotions are fleeting. If I feel that I am male or female today, tomorrow or the next day, then the law and culture will have to accommodate my emotional state.

Wesley, why is this? Transgendered people make up a small percentage of the population.

Rule by irrationality will not be restricted to gender dysphoria. This attitude will spread throughout society, culture, and eventually lead to the destruction of our most important institutions and societal structures. A house built on sand can’t stand, according to ancient wisdom.