Biden Admin Lawsuit Forces Arizona to Remove Shipping Containers Along Border

Arizona agreed to take down miles of shipping containers that were placed at the border with Mexico. This agreement was reached as part of a lawsuit brought by the Biden Administration following Governor Doug Ducey’s order to place temporary barriers at the border.
Breitbart Texas reported that Governor Ducey had ordered construction of border barriers using shipping containers earlier this year. A $564 million spending bill was signed by the state in June to provide funding for this project. In response to the federal government’s border crisis, the bill provided funds for additional public safety personnel, physical barriers and technology.
The U.S. Department of the Interior issued an order to Governor Ducey in October to remove the containers that had been placed on federal land.
The letter stated that “unauthorized placement of these containers constitutes an offense to federal law and is considered trespassing against the United States.” “This trespass is a violation of federal law and is a trespass against the United States.”
“It took the feds until August to write a note? This is a sign of their urgency, so perhaps that explains our problem,” Arizona Governor’s Communication Director C.J. According to Karamargin, the Washington Examiner.
Ducey’s construction work has been ongoing since this month.
The State of Arizona, as part of the lawsuit brought by the Department of Justice last Wednesday, agreed to part “maintain its cessation of activities on National Forest Systems land within the Coronado National Forest.”
Breitbart Texas also found that the State agreed to remove any shipping containers previously placed in the Yuma Sector or Coronado National Forest.
The agreement also includes a statement from the federal government stating that it will begin with a plan for building an “engineered barrier near the Morelos Dam region.”
According to court documents, talks leading to the removal of the barrier will begin next week.
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