California Schools Push Kids To Watch Films On Transgenderism That Showcase Puberty Blockers

The Daily Wire reviewed documents from a California school district, which serves thousands of preschoolers through high school students. The lesson plans and resource list were designed to promote gender theory and normalize child transgenderism.

Hayward Unified Schools District (HUSD), located in California’s Bay Area, which serves more than 19,000 students from pre-school to high school age, directs students to watch films promoting transgenderism. They also highlight the effectiveness of treatments like puberty blocking agents.

One of the documents produced by the district is a guide for “LGBTQ Inclusive films,” which includes one for students in the 5th and higher grades. This film aims to show “the diversity in experiences of gender.” It centers on a 12-year old girl who “isn’t sure if she will be a boy or a girl when she grows up.”

The synopsis for the movie reads: “To give her time to decide, the doctor has prescribed her a medication which will suppress the hormonal changes that her body is undergoing before she’s ready.”

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Kamala’s Bank Funnels money to Terrorists

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The lesson plans are pro-trans and come amid a national outcry over schools pushing gender ideologies on children. Some even encourage so-called “social transformations” amongst students without parental consent.

HUSD promotes “Straightlaced” – a film that critiques the traditional view of sex. In the trailer, a woman says “I love to confuse people by playing with gender roles” and “I love it when a man thinks I’m a female and then realizes that I am not.”

In a four-page document for K-12 students, the district states that it strives to “actively combat racism” by purchasing titles and vendors that are “BIPOC, women, and LGBTQIA+ owned businesses.”

The document provides a list of LGBT books for young children. These range from Rainbow Reads: LGBTQ+ Picture Books to “Fantastic Bisexual and Lesbian Books by Black Authors.”

HUSD has even developed a “Template for Pride Flag Ceremony”, which outlines how to raise a flag for Pride Month. Speakers will discuss the history of pride and what it means for someone to be an ally. Staff members will also hand out rainbow bracelets, and take pictures with their allies together at the flagpole.

The district created a separate guide to inform teachers about “SWAG ideas for Pride Month”. It begins with “Here are swag suggestions you can offer to students or staff as a way to demonstrate their allyship”, before suggesting “pride/ally flags” and mini pride ribbons. Staff members are encouraged to purchase t-shirts reading “protect trans children.”

The HUSD also has a document on “LGBTQIA+ Gender & Pride” which contains 90 pro-LGBT resources ranging from lesson plans to create gender-inclusive classrooms to “Trans-positive Picture Books” for kindergarten-aged children.

A lesson plan on gender and identity is targeted at K-12 students. It argues that understanding gender and identity “requires an appreciation of their dynamic and multifaceted nature” and that people should be respected for their gender identity.

HUSD’s support for transgenderism is only one part of its broader agenda. HUSD has pledged $40 million to implement ethnic studies in 2021. More recently, the district agreed to spend more than $90,000 for a “Liberated Ethnic Studies Curriculum”, with an organization which embraces Critical Race Theory.

The Daily Wire conducted an investigation that revealed the district had drafted a lesson that portrayed the Black Panthers, a Marxist group that openly calls for the use guerilla war tactics against the United States.

HUSD spent another $57,000 on an organization called “Woke Kindergarten”, which taught Critical Race Theory, and sought to “disrupt” whiteness. Another $23,000 was spent with Quetzal Education Services (a group that teaches “anti-racist mathematics pedagogy”).

The district spent another $43,000 to train students in Critical Race Theory. A different Bay Area district recently awarded the district another contract.