Oklahoma Republican Party Ends ‘All Support’ for Sen. James Lankford over Senate Deal to Expand Immigration

The Oklahoma Republican Party has ceased “all support” of Sen. James Lankford, R-OK. He is leading negotiations with Republicans and Democrats to reach a Senate agreement that will expand both illegal and legal immigration into the United States.
Breitbart News reported that Lankford, along with other Republicans like Thom Tillis and John Thune from the Republican Party of North Carolina and South Dakota are negotiating a deal with Senator Chris Murphy from Connecticut and others.
The agreement would increase legal immigration by 50,000 green card holders annually, even though the U.S. admits around a million legal migrants a year. This year the U.S. will surpass 50 million foreign-born citizens for the first time ever.
The deal also allows up to 35,000 illegal immigrants to arrive every week at the U.S. Mexico border before the Department of Homeland Security is required to enforce border controls. In the agreement, illegal aliens will also receive expedited work permits in order to compete for American jobs. Unaccompanied Alien Children are also entitled to taxpayer-funded attorneys.
Last week, the Oklahoma Republican Party State Committee adopted a Resolution to condemn and censure Lankford’s work on this deal.
The resolution states:
It is resolved that the Oklahoma Republican Party, until Senator Lankford stops these actions will stop all support for him. [Emphasis added]
In their resolution, the OKGOP members state that they support “limited legal immigration” into the U.S., which reduces the existing annual admissions to “prevent an adverse impact on our national safety, wages, housing and environment, medical care or schools.”
The OKGOP members stated that they oppose “a path to citizenship” that would grant citizenship for illegal aliens. They added that “authorizing a few thousand people to invade before any action is taken is contrary of the oath Senator Lankford made to the Constitution, and therefore outside the area that he can negotiate on.”
Although Republicans have condemned the deal, Joe Biden has announced that he supports it.
This is how to get tougher border controls. If you are serious about the border crisis pass a bipartisan measure and I will sign that bill,” Biden said in a written statement.
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