‘This Is Not Over’: Abbott Vows To Defend Texas’ ‘Authority To Secure The Border’ After SCOTUS Sides With Biden

Greg Abbott, the Republican Governor of Texas, has vowed that he will continue to fight to protect his state’s rights to secure its southern border. The Supreme Court on Monday sided with Biden Administration and ruled that federal officials could cut through the razor wire Texas had installed to deter illegal immigrants.
The U.S. Border Patrol cut through razor wire installed by Texas along its southern border several times to let illegal immigrants into the country. According to NBC News, Texas has filed a suit against the Biden Administration, claiming that the federal government had damaged state property by trespassing.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 on Monday to grant an emergency request by the Biden Administration to allow agents the ability to cut through razor wire. After the feds claimed that the barrier prevented the federal government from reaching illegal immigrants already across the border, they argued the razor-wire would prevent them from doing so.
Abbott responded to the decision by saying, “This isn’t over.” “Texas razor wire is a deterrent against the illegal crossings Biden promotes. I will continue to defend Texas constitutional authority to secure our border and prevent Biden Admin. from destroying Texas property.”
Abbott re-posted a statement by Chris Olivarez of the Texas Department of Public Safety, who stated that state authorities would continue to use “reinforced Concertina Wire & Anti-Climb Barriers” to stop illegal immigration.
“The State of Texas under Gov. Operation Lone Star by @GregAbbott_TX will continue to deter illegal border crossings using effective border security measures, including reinforced concertina fence and anti-climb barrier along the Rio Grande,” Olivarez said. “It is a logical question to ask why the Federal Government does not allow Texas to be able to protect its borders, while at the same time allowing illegal immigrants to cross the river in a dangerous manner. Many have died. Texas is the lone state that uses every resource & strategy to protect its sovereignty, fight criminal activity, and discourage illegal immigration. Texas will hold the line.
The 5-4 decision was reached by the three liberal Justices, John Roberts, Amy Coney Barrett and the two newly-appointed Republican justices John Roberts. However, the ruling is not final, as Border Patrol agents can still cut through concertina while litigation continues. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals will still hear oral arguments in February 7th. They are still weighing all the facts of the case.
Customs and Border Protection, under the leadership of President Joe Biden, has encountered more than eight million illegal migrants. The federal government has also released over 2.3 million illegal aliens into the country.
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