Biden blames classified documents furor on staff, says they didn’t do thorough job

On Wednesday, President Biden deflected the blame for the controversy over classified documents and said that staffers are responsible because they “didn’t do the type of job that they should have done.”

In an interview with “PBS Newshour” Wednesday night, Mr. Biden denied responsibility for the drama that made him the subject of a special counsel investigation.

“One of the problems was that they packed up my offices to move it, but they didn’t do a thorough job to read every piece of literature,” Mr. Biden stated in an interview with Judy Woodruff.

According to the president, investigators “picked-up” items 50 years ago when he was first elected as a U.S. senator. He didn’t say whether any of these items were classified documents.

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In 1972, Mr. Biden was elected for the first time to the Senate.