‘Enormous Threat’: Dem Senator Echoes Trump’s Warning About CCP-Linked TikTok

Virginia Democratic Senator Mark Warner said Sunday that Donald Trump incorrectly called TikTok an “enormous menace.”

Trump ordered a review to be done on the Chinese-owned app. This was after Trump declared ZTE and Huawei national security threats in July 2020. According to CNN, employees of TikTok’s parent company ByteDance are required to attend monthly meetings in which they are required study the party’s policies.

Donald Trump was absolutely right. TikTok is a huge threat. It is a threat at two levels. One, it is an enormous collector of information, oftentimes our children,” Warner said to Shannon Bream, host of Fox News Sunday. They can see down to your keystrokes. If you’re a parent with a child on TikTok, I’d be very concerned that all the data your child inputs and receives is stored in Beijing.

Warner expressed concern over the CCP-tied application and its data acquisition.

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Warner stated that TikTok is in a sense a broadcasting network. If the Chinese communist party and TikTok are to be dependent on the Communist Party, the China Law states that. “If they want them to increase the fact that we’re going down content that criticizes Chinese leaders but increase content kids might be seeing saying that Taiwan is part of China that is a distribution model would make RT, Sputnik, or some other Russian propaganda models pale in comparison.

Experts described the American TikTok app to be the “opium” version of the social media site. They noted that the Chinese version has a limited content and screen time for children under 14 years old.

TikTok didn’t immediately respond to a request from the Daily Caller News Foundation for comment.