FBI Offers $25,000 Reward to Arrest Leftists Who Attacked Churches and Pregnancy Centers

This week, the FBI offered reward money for information leading to the arrest of pro-choice activists who vandalized, firebombed and destroyed property across the country in response to Roe v. Wade being overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Fox News reported Thursday on the $25,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for these crimes.
LifeNews has recorded 250 attacks on pregnancy resource centers, churches and pro-life advocates in the last 12 months. This is an average of four per week. Many of these attacks were in response the Dobbs-v. Jackson ruling that overturned Roe. It allowed states to allow unborn babies to be protected from abortion again. The FBI has yet to announce any arrests.
Christopher Wray, FBI Director, responded to criticisms that his agency was not doing enough to catch the perpetrators in a statement.
Wray stated that today’s announcement was a reflection of the FBI’s commitment and determination to aggressively pursue investigations into the crimes against pregnant resource centers, faith-based organisations, and reproductive clinics across the nation. “We will continue working closely with our national and state law enforcement partners to hold accountable anyone who uses extremist viewpoints to justify their criminal acts.”
CompassCare, a New York-based pro-life group, launched an investigation into the June arson attack. It was prompted by the inaction of the FBI. Two firefighters were also injured.
The Rev. Jim Harden, CompassCare’s CEO, stated that it took 161 days for the federal agency to include the arsonist in its Most Wanted List. Pro-life advocates also pressed the FBI to release security footage of the attack after waiting five months. Harden also claimed that the FBI ignored numerous arson and vandalism incidents against pro-life organizations.
Jane’s Revenge, a pro-abortion group, has been implicated in a variety of crimes. Wray also admitted in November that the majority of abortion-related attacks during the past year had targeted pro-life groups.
He told a U.S. Senate panel that “probably in the vicinity of 70% of our abortion-related violence case or threats cases are cases violence or threats against… pro-life organisations” since the Dobbs decision.
LifeNews reported at least 10 arson attempts or arson attacks directly targeting prolifers. There have also been more than 150 attacks since May, when a draft Dobbs ruling was leaked to the public. LifeNews gathered that there were approximately 250 acts of violence in 2022. This includes the attempted arson attack against a Michigan pro-lifer and an abortion activist trying to set fire to a Los Angeles police officer using a portable flamethrower.
Pro-life groups are increasing their security, and Republican lawmakers demand that the Biden administration take action to stop domestic terrorist activity. The Biden administration has worked aggressively to increase the killing of unborn children in abortions but has not done much to stop hostilities against pro-life churches and advocates.
The U.S. House passed earlier this month a resolution condemning violence. However, only three Democrats voted for it.
LifeNews keeps track of all abortion-related crimes against pro-lifers. They include:
Oregon – “Kill Them Kids”, a Pro-Life billboard was vandalized in Portland
Georgia – FBI Offers Reward to Information on Pro-Abortion Vandalism at MLK’s Ebenezer Baptist Chapel
Illinois – Prolifer Activist in Illinois Charged With Battery (more)
Colorado – Bella Health and Wellness Pro-Life Ministry Vandalized In Englewood (Catholic News Agency).
Michigan – Another Pregnancy Centre Vandalized in Eastpointe. Pro-Life Leaders’ Home also Vandalized with Threat
Virginia – Injured, Attacked and Assayed by Pro-Life Advocate at George Mason University (TFP Student Action).
Pennsylvania – Prolife Advocates Attacked While Holding Sign Reading “Smile!” At Gettysburg College, You Survived Abortion!
California – Vandalized Pro-Life Student Display at University of California San Diego (Students for Life).
Nebraska – Pro-Life Students and Church Respond to Violent Threats by Pro-Abortion Activists. (Omaha World Herald); Nebraska Governor Condemns Domestic Terrorism
Washington, D.C. — Radical Abortion Activists Disrupt Pregnancy Centre Banquet Months After It Was Vandalized
Indiana – Another Prolife Billboard Vandalized in Greenfield, Indiana with Red Paint (Prolife Across America).
South Carolina – Clemson University Prolife Student Group is Threatened for Hosting Students for Life Chief (The College fix)
Pennsylvania – Carnegie Mellon University Republican Club Competition Show Vandalized With Pro-Abortion Graffiti. (Campus Reform).
Alaska – St. Andrew Catholic Church in Eagle River Vandalized Twice Since Supreme Court Abortion Leak (Alaska Watchman)
New York – Ulster County Sheriff’s Office investigates Vandalism of Pro-Life Billboards in Esopus for the Third Time This Year (Daily Freeman).
North Carolina Campbell University Pro-Life Student Leader is Threatened Violently, Vandalized (Campus Reform).
Michigan – A pro-choice cyber attack has claimed the victim of a prayer rally to defeat the Michigan abortion amendment (Catholic News Agency).
Kentucky – Many Pro-Life Signs in Support of Amendment 2 Vandalized and Stolen at Homes and Churches
North Carolina – An attacker shoots up the home of a pro-life candidate, bullet barely misses his children
Washington State – St. Pius X Church Vandalized With Satanic Symbols and Window Smashed (Lynnwood Times).
Idaho – Police Investigating Vandalism and Death Threat to Pro-Life Republican Rep.’s Billboard (Idaho State Journal).
USA – National Pro-Life Chalk Day Results In More Campus Vandalism (Campus Reform).
Washington, D.C. – Three abortion activists are arrested for disrupting the U.S. Supreme Court
California – California Elderly Prolifers Attacked Outside of Planned Parenthood (Life Legal Defense Foundation).
Florida – Four Assault Marco Rubio Supporter by Brutally Assaulting Attackers (police report).
Alaska – Pregnancy Centre, Church Targeted By Pro-Abortion Vandals in One Day
Pennsylvania Police Search for a Woman Who Vandalized 5 Police Cars in Pro-Abortion Protest (Shore News Network, video)
Michigan – An Abortion Supporter Shots an Elderly Pro-Life Woman in Michigan, While Campaigning for the Pro-Abortion Constitutional Amendment
Michigan – Michigan Abortion Activists Are Caught Video Vandalizing Lansing Catholic Church With Pro-Abortion Graffiti
Connecticut – University of Connecticut Students for Life Materials Stolen and Vandalized (Students for Life).
Washington, D.C. Police Arrest An Abortion Activist
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