Report: Groups Behind Pro-Hamas Protests Funded by George Soros

A report revealed that George Soros funneled more than $15 million over the past seven years to pro-Hamas organizations behind the terror sympathizing protests after the October 7 attack against Israel.

A New York Post investigation of the Open Society Foundation’s records revealed that the billionaire’s far-left grantmaking network distributed $13.7m through Tides Center. Tides Center is a “deeply-pocketed, lefty advocacy group which sponsors several non-profits who have justified Hamas bloody attacks.”

The Adalah Justice Project is one of the beneficiaries of the Tides Center. It posted an Instagram image of a bulldozer tearing down a part of Israel’s fence on the day Hamas terrorists killed over 1,400 Israelis.

The caption read: “Israeli colonizers thought they could trap two million people for eternity in an open-air jail… No cage is left unchallenged.”

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The Illinois-based project advertises itself as a “Palestinian advocacy organization in the U.S., that builds coalitions across movements to achieve collective liberation.”

Their website states: “Our work is rooted on the conviction that drawing links between US foreign policy and repressive practices of the state at home is critical to shifting the power balance.”

The group of activists occupied the office of U.S. Rep. Ro. Khanna (D-CA), on October 20, after he had “refused to sign” a resolution calling a ceasefire for Gaza.

Adalah members cosponsored an event in New York City Bryant Park on that same day. “Hostile demonstrators shouted antisemitic slogans” and held a sign saying “I DO NOT CONDEMN THE HAMAS”, according to the Post.

Open Society Foundations awarded Adalah, the founding nonprofit of Adalah, $1.5 million. However, as revealed by the publication, only $800,000.00 was received prior to the organization cutting ties in 2018.

Adalah’s Ari Remez, the spokesperson for The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel said that Open Society Foundations has “generously supported our work for many years on defending human rights for Palestinians living under Israeli control and we are thankful for their enormous contribution to this effort.”

Soros contributed $30,000 to Desis Rising Up and Moving in NYC, a group of South Asian immigrants who were also co-sponsors of the Bryant Park Protest where 139 people had been arrested.

Soros’s Foundation also gave $60,000 to the Arab American Association of New York in 2018. This group was cofounded by anti-Israel leftist activist Linda Sarsour, who organized the “Flood Brooklyn for Palestine”, a protest that took place in Brooklyn on October 21, where protestors “called for Israel’s eradication and held a sign of an Israeli flag in a garbage basket that read, “Please keep the World Clean!”

Jewish Voice for Peace, If Not Now and other Hamas sympathizing groups were also funded by Soros. They received $650,000 and $400,000. Both groups co-sponsored the Bryant Park Rally and had members among those “insurrectionists,” who occupied the U.S. Capitol October 18th.

Jewish Voice for Peace participated in the occupation and occupation of Rep. Khanna’s office. They also claimed that the violence was caused by “Israeli Apartheid, occupation and United States complicity with that oppression,” referring to the brutal killing of Israeli civilians.

Forbes reports that Soros is a Hungarian American Jew who survived the Holocaust. His net worth is $6.7 billion. According to Forbes, the magazine reported that Soros has donated more than $15 billion in charitable donations through his Open Society Foundations. He founded this foundation in 1993.