DeSantis Sends Cargo Planes Full Of Supplies To Israel

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said on Tuesday that the administration of his state has sent two large aircraft full of supplies to Israel, as the country waged war against the Palestinian terrorists who were responsible for the murders of 1,400+ Israelis in the last week.

The Republican candidate for president sent 85 pallets of donated goods that should arrive in Israel within the next few hours.

DeSantis made a statement saying that “we are stepping in to help our friends in Israel, who are in dire need of supplies and support.” As we continue to bring Americans back to Israel who were stranded when the war started, we will keep sending Israel the necessary medical supplies to treat those who are injured.

In less than five working days, 85 pallets of medical supplies deemed critical by Israeli hospitals were prepared and packed for shipment.

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The medical supplies donated included 735 ace bands, approximately 5,000 gowns for hospitals, 84 IV Kits, 30000+ needles and syringes plus 57 ventilators.

Florida donated medical supplies and also toys for children, sleeping bags, hygiene products and clothing.

Kevin Guthrie, Executive Director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management, said that thanks to Governor DeSantis’s decisive actions the Division was able quickly to coordinate with its Israeli partners and assemble needed supplies. After working with the Israeli Consulate and medical partners in Israel, the Division identified the items most needed to reduce flooding and increase efficiency.

DeSantis has just welcomed nearly 300 Americans home from Israel, who had been evacuated on flights organized by his administration.

“We are here at the Tampa airport. He said that the first flight to rescue people from Israel had landed. “Over 260 people who wanted to return to the United States but couldn’t make it, so we led. We are happy to have been able to provide this.”