Republican National Committee: Hoekstra is the real chair of the Michigan Republican Party

Hoekstra confirmed Wednesday that the Republican National Committee officially recognized the former ambassador and Congressman Pete Hoekstra, as the chair of the Michigan Republican Party.

After former President Donald Trump endorsed Hoekstra, the RNC determined that Kristina Karmo had been removed from her position as Michigan state party chair.

Hoekstra made a statement saying that “Both RNC and the presumptive candidate of our Party, Donald Trump, have now come forward to recognize me as the duly-elected chair of the Michigan Republican Party.”

It is time to stop the misinformation campaign of the former MIGOP chair, who was removed according to the MIGOP Bylaws. She should be joining the fight to reelect Donald Trump, rather than dividing this Party.”

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Hoekstra said that it was time to unite the party and prepare for the November elections.

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Hoekstra was Trump’s ambassador in the Netherlands. He is a former Republican congressman from West Michigan.

Karamo was removed as chairman of the state committee by a group of members on Jan. 6. They cited problems with fundraising, interference with county affairs and other issues. Karamo said the meeting had been called illegally, and another group of members of the state committee endorsed Karamo at a meeting on Jan. 13. The group that voted for Karamo’s removal a week later elected Hoekstra as her replacement.

Kent County Circuit Court is still pending a lawsuit regarding the party leadership.

Karamo didn’t immediately reply to a message asking for comment. Jim Copas could not be immediately reached for comment. He was the executive director of Karamo.

The Karamo faction released a statement on Wednesday night saying that the dispute was not over.

The statement stated that “Today’s biased decision further solidifies our view that the RNC does not have the authority to override will of MIGOP precinct delegate and state committee members.”

“Kristina Karmo will continue to serve as the duly-elected chairwoman.”