Where the Warnock-Walker race stands with early voting underway in Georgia

Georgia’s early voting has begun in Georgia. This promises to be a intense week-and a half of campaigning between GOP Senate candidate Herschel Wade and incumbent Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock.

Walker and Warnock had to continue campaigning until the Dec. 6 runoff, after neither candidate received more than 50% of the vote in the closely watched midterm general elections. They have since increased their fundraising and campaign ads.

A win by Warnock would increase the Senate’s razor-thin Democratic majority, while a Walker victory would give them 50 seats. The tiebreaker vote would come from Kamala Harris, the Democratic Vice President.

Despite the fact that Senate control is not in danger, Georgia is experiencing high turnout for the runoff.

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Early Sunday data from the Georgia Secretary Of State’s website showed that approximately 90,000 voters had already voted just one day after early voting in some Georgia counties opened. This was after the Georgia Supreme Court rejected a Republican attempt to block Saturday’s early voting.

Quentin Fulks, Warnock’s campaign director, said that more Georgians voted Sunday than any Sunday in the 2018 2020 and 2022 general election or the 2021 Senate race. For confirmation, The Hill reached out to Quentin Fulks, Georgia secretary of State.

Georgia saw record voter turnout during the midterms with over 143,000 votes cast the first day before the general election.

Warnock urged Georgians “show up again”, to confirm the narrow 1-point lead he had in the general elections.

According to polls, the candidates are neck-and-neck going into the runoff.

According to the latest FiveThirtyEight polling, Walker is up 1 percentage point from Warnock (47.2 percent to 46.8%).

AARP released a poll last week that showed Warnock leading by 4 percentage points. Walker led among older voters.

According to CNBC, Warnock had almost three times the funds available as his opponent as of November 16, according to reports.

Walker raised $3.3 million on the first day of his runoff election campaign. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee donated $7 million to Warnock’s runoff campaign.

As the runoff nears, campaign rhetoric has increased again.

According to the Associated Press, Warnock said that the ex-NFL star was “majors of lying” and “ain’t serious” while Walker called Walker a “hypocrite”, accusing him of bending to Democratic leadership.

Warnock praised his character in a television ad. This was after Walker had defended him against abuse allegations and claims from a former partner that he paid for her pregnancy.

“Character is the behavior you show when no one is looking.” In a recent ad, the Democrat said that character is doing the right thing because it’s right, and repeating it over and over.

Walker’s apparent contradictions on abortion has been more directly criticized by the Democrat.

Walker’s supporters have instead released an ad in which Warnock is accused of mismanagement of an Atlanta apartment block with a link to his Church.